Programowanie mikrokontrolerów
Poniżej postaram się opisać w skrócie bibliotekę do obsługi wyświetlacza LCD opartego o kontroler HD44780 sterowanego przez szeregową magistralę I2C wykorzystującą przejściówkę opartą o rejestr szeregowy PCF8574 której używam w środowisku Atmel Studio 7. Poniżej załączam linki do plików bibliotek które można pobrać do wykorzystania.
Konfiguracja podstawowych parametrów:
#define PCF8574_ADDRBASE (0x27) //device base address
#define PCF8574_MAXDEVICES 1 //max devices, depends on address (3 bit)
#define PCF8574_MAXPINS 8 //max pin per device
#define LCD_DATA0_PIN 4 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 0 */
#define LCD_DATA1_PIN 5 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 1 */
#define LCD_DATA2_PIN 6 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 2 */
#define LCD_DATA3_PIN 7 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 3 */
#define LCD_RS_PIN 0 /**< pin for RS line */
#define LCD_RW_PIN 1 /**< pin for RW line */
#define LCD_E_PIN 2 /**< pin for Enable line */
#define LCD_LED_PIN 3 /**< pin for Led */
Podstawowe funkcje:
Poniżej przedstawiono pełen kod biblioteki. Biblioteka przetestowana na Atmega8 w środowisku Atmel Studio 7.
#include <compat/twi.h>
#ifndef LCD_H
#define LCD_H
#ifndef PCF8574_H_
#define PCF8574_H_
#ifndef _I2CMASTER_H
#define _I2CMASTER_H
#define lcd_e_delay() __asm__ __volatile__( "rjmp 1f\n 1:" );
#define lcd_e_toggle() toggle_e()
#if LCD_LINES==1
#define LCD_PCF8574_INIT 1 //init pcf8574
#define LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID 0 //device id, addr = pcf8574 base addr + LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID
* @name Definitions for Display Size
* Change these definitions to adapt setting to your display
#define LCD_LINES 2 /**< number of visible lines of the display */
#define LCD_DISP_LENGTH 16 /**< visibles characters per line of the display */
#define LCD_LINE_LENGTH 0x40 /**< internal line length of the display */
#define LCD_START_LINE1 0x00 /**< DDRAM address of first char of line 1 */
#define LCD_START_LINE2 0x40 /**< DDRAM address of first char of line 2 */
#define LCD_START_LINE3 0x10 /**< DDRAM address of first char of line 3 */
#define LCD_START_LINE4 0x50 /**< DDRAM address of first char of line 4 */
#define LCD_WRAP_LINES 1 /**< 0: no wrap, 1: wrap at end of visibile line */
#define LCD_DATA0_PIN 4 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 0 */
#define LCD_DATA1_PIN 5 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 1 */
#define LCD_DATA2_PIN 6 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 2 */
#define LCD_DATA3_PIN 7 /**< pin for 4bit data bit 3 */
#define LCD_RS_PIN 0 /**< pin for RS line */
#define LCD_RW_PIN 1 /**< pin for RW line */
#define LCD_E_PIN 2 /**< pin for Enable line */
#define LCD_LED_PIN 3 /**< pin for Led */
* @name Definitions for LCD command instructions
* The constants define the various LCD controller instructions which can be passed to the
* function lcd_commandx(), see HD44780 data sheet for a complete description.
/* instruction register bit positions, see HD44780U data sheet */
#define LCD_CLR 0 /* DB0: clear display */
#define LCD_HOME 1 /* DB1: return to home position */
#define LCD_ENTRY_MODE 2 /* DB2: set entry mode */
#define LCD_ENTRY_INC 1 /* DB1: 1=increment, 0=decrement */
#define LCD_ENTRY_SHIFT 0 /* DB2: 1=display shift on */
#define LCD_ON 3 /* DB3: turn lcd/cursor on */
#define LCD_ON_DISPLAY 2 /* DB2: turn display on */
#define LCD_ON_CURSOR 1 /* DB1: turn cursor on */
#define LCD_ON_BLINK 0 /* DB0: blinking cursor ? */
#define LCD_MOVE 4 /* DB4: move cursor/display */
#define LCD_MOVE_DISP 3 /* DB3: move display (0-> cursor) ? */
#define LCD_MOVE_RIGHT 2 /* DB2: move right (0-> left) ? */
#define LCD_FUNCTION 5 /* DB5: function set */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT 4 /* DB4: set 8BIT mode (0->4BIT mode) */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_2LINES 3 /* DB3: two lines (0->one line) */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_10DOTS 2 /* DB2: 5x10 font (0->5x7 font) */
#define LCD_CGRAM 6 /* DB6: set CG RAM address */
#define LCD_DDRAM 7 /* DB7: set DD RAM address */
#define LCD_BUSY 7 /* DB7: LCD is busy */
/* set entry mode: display shift on/off, dec/inc cursor move direction */
#define LCD_ENTRY_DEC 0x04 /* display shift off, dec cursor move dir */
#define LCD_ENTRY_DEC_SHIFT 0x05 /* display shift on, dec cursor move dir */
#define LCD_ENTRY_INC_ 0x06 /* display shift off, inc cursor move dir */
#define LCD_ENTRY_INC_SHIFT 0x07 /* display shift on, inc cursor move dir */
/* display on/off, cursor on/off, blinking char at cursor position */
#define LCD_DISP_OFF 0x08 /* display off */
#define LCD_DISP_ON 0x0C /* display on, cursor off */
#define LCD_DISP_ON_BLINK 0x0D /* display on, cursor off, blink char */
#define LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR 0x0E /* display on, cursor on */
#define LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR_BLINK 0x0F /* display on, cursor on, blink char */
/* move cursor/shift display */
#define LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT 0x10 /* move cursor left (decrement) */
#define LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT 0x14 /* move cursor right (increment) */
#define LCD_MOVE_DISP_LEFT 0x18 /* shift display left */
#define LCD_MOVE_DISP_RIGHT 0x1C /* shift display right */
/* function set: set interface data length and number of display lines */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_4BIT_1LINE 0x20 /* 4-bit interface, single line, 5x7 dots */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_4BIT_2LINES 0x28 /* 4-bit interface, dual line, 5x7 dots */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT_1LINE 0x30 /* 8-bit interface, single line, 5x7 dots */
#define LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT_2LINES 0x38 /* 8-bit interface, dual line, 5x7 dots */
#define PCF8574_ADDRBASE (0x27) //device base address
#define PCF8574_I2CINIT 1 //init i2c
#define PCF8574_MAXDEVICES 1 //max devices, depends on address (3 bit)
#define PCF8574_MAXPINS 8 //max pin per device
volatile uint8_t dataport = 0;
/* define CPU frequency in hz here if not defined in Makefile */
#ifndef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
/* I2C clock in Hz */
#define SCL_CLOCK 100000L
/** defines the data direction (reading from I2C device) in i2c_start(),i2c_rep_start() */
#define I2C_READ 1
/** defines the data direction (writing to I2C device) in i2c_start(),i2c_rep_start() */
#define I2C_WRITE 0
@brief initialize the I2C master interace. Need to be called only once
@return none
extern void i2c_init(void);
@brief Terminates the data transfer and releases the I2C bus
@return none
extern void i2c_stop(void);
@brief Issues a start condition and sends address and transfer direction
@param addr address and transfer direction of I2C device
@retval 0 device accessible
@retval 1 failed to access device
extern unsigned char i2c_start(unsigned char addr);
@brief Issues a repeated start condition and sends address and transfer direction
@param addr address and transfer direction of I2C device
@retval 0 device accessible
@retval 1 failed to access device
extern unsigned char i2c_rep_start(unsigned char addr);
@brief Issues a start condition and sends address and transfer direction
If device is busy, use ack polling to wait until device ready
@param addr address and transfer direction of I2C device
@return none
extern void i2c_start_wait(unsigned char addr);
@brief Send one byte to I2C device
@param data byte to be transfered
@retval 0 write successful
@retval 1 write failed
extern unsigned char i2c_write(unsigned char data);
@brief read one byte from the I2C device, request more data from device
@return byte read from I2C device
extern unsigned char i2c_readAck(void);
@brief read one byte from the I2C device, read is followed by a stop condition
@return byte read from I2C device
extern unsigned char i2c_readNak(void);
@brief read one byte from the I2C device
Implemented as a macro, which calls either @ref i2c_readAck or @ref i2c_readNak
@param ack 1 send ack, request more data from device
0 send nak, read is followed by a stop condition
@return byte read from I2C device
extern unsigned char i2c_read(unsigned char ack);
#define i2c_read(ack) (ack) ? i2c_readAck() : i2c_readNak();
void pcf8574_init();
extern int8_t pcf8574_getoutput(uint8_t deviceid);
extern int8_t pcf8574_getoutputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin);
extern int8_t pcf8574_setoutput(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t data);
extern int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpins(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pinstart, uint8_t pinlength,
int8_t data);
extern int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin, uint8_t data);
extern int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpinhigh(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin);
extern int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpinlow(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin);
extern int8_t pcf8574_getinput(uint8_t deviceid);
extern int8_t pcf8574_getinputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin);
* @name Functions
@brief Initialize display and select type of cursor
@param dispAttr \b LCD_DISP_OFF display off\n
\b LCD_DISP_ON display on, cursor off\n
\b LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR display on, cursor on\n
\b LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR_BLINK display on, cursor on flashing
@return none
extern void lcd_init(uint8_t dispAttr);
@brief Clear display and set cursor to home position
@param void
@return none
extern void lcd_clrscr(void);
@brief Set cursor to home position
@param void
@return none
extern void lcd_home(void);
@brief Set cursor to specified position
@param x horizontal position\n (0: left most position)
@param y vertical position\n (0: first line)
@return none
extern void lcd_gotoxy(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
@brief Set illumination pin
@param void
@return none
extern void lcd_led(uint8_t onoff);
@brief Display character at current cursor position
@param c character to be displayed
@return none
extern void lcd_putc(char c);
@brief Display string without auto linefeed
@param s string to be displayed
@return none
extern void lcd_puts(const char *s);
@brief Display string from program memory without auto linefeed
@param s string from program memory be be displayed
@return none
@see lcd_puts_P
extern void lcd_puts_p(const char *progmem_s);
@brief Send LCD controller instruction command
@param cmd instruction to send to LCD controller, see HD44780 data sheet
@return none
extern void lcd_command(uint8_t cmd);
@brief Send data byte to LCD controller
Similar to lcd_putc(), but without interpreting LF
@param data byte to send to LCD controller, see HD44780 data sheet
@return none
extern void lcd_data(uint8_t data);
@brief macros for automatically storing string constant in program memory
#define lcd_puts_P(__s) lcd_puts_p(PSTR(__s))
#endif //LCD_H
** function prototypes
Initialization of the I2C bus interface. Need to be called only once
void i2c_init(void)
/* initialize TWI clock: 100 kHz clock, TWPS = 0 => prescaler = 1 */
TWSR = 0; /* no prescaler */
TWBR = ((F_CPU/SCL_CLOCK)-16)/2; /* must be > 10 for stable operation */
}/* i2c_init */
Issues a start condition and sends address and transfer direction.
return 0 = device accessible, 1= failed to access device
unsigned char i2c_start(unsigned char address)
uint8_t twst;
// send START condition
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWSTA) | (1<<TWEN);
// wait until transmission completed
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TW_STATUS & 0xF8;
if ( (twst != TW_START) && (twst != TW_REP_START)) return 1;
// send device address
TWDR = address;
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);
// wail until transmission completed and ACK/NACK has been received
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TW_STATUS & 0xF8;
if ( (twst != TW_MT_SLA_ACK) && (twst != TW_MR_SLA_ACK) ) return 1;
return 0;
}/* i2c_start */
Issues a start condition and sends address and transfer direction.
If device is busy, use ack polling to wait until device is ready
Input: address and transfer direction of I2C device
void i2c_start_wait(unsigned char address)
uint8_t twst;
while ( 1 )
// send START condition
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWSTA) | (1<<TWEN);
// wait until transmission completed
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TW_STATUS & 0xF8;
if ( (twst != TW_START) && (twst != TW_REP_START)) continue;
// send device address
TWDR = address;
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);
// wail until transmission completed
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits.
twst = TW_STATUS & 0xF8;
if ( (twst == TW_MT_SLA_NACK )||(twst ==TW_MR_DATA_NACK) )
/* device busy, send stop condition to terminate write operation */
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWSTO);
// wait until stop condition is executed and bus released
while(TWCR & (1<<TWSTO));
//if( twst != TW_MT_SLA_ACK) return 1;
}/* i2c_start_wait */
Issues a repeated start condition and sends address and transfer direction
Input: address and transfer direction of I2C device
Return: 0 device accessible
1 failed to access device
unsigned char i2c_rep_start(unsigned char address)
return i2c_start( address );
}/* i2c_rep_start */
Terminates the data transfer and releases the I2C bus
void i2c_stop(void)
/* send stop condition */
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWSTO);
// wait until stop condition is executed and bus released
while(TWCR & (1<<TWSTO));
}/* i2c_stop */
Send one byte to I2C device
Input: byte to be transfered
Return: 0 write successful
1 write failed
unsigned char i2c_write( unsigned char data )
uint8_t twst;
// send data to the previously addressed device
TWDR = data;
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);
// wait until transmission completed
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
// check value of TWI Status Register. Mask prescaler bits
twst = TW_STATUS & 0xF8;
if( twst != TW_MT_DATA_ACK) return 1;
return 0;
}/* i2c_write */
Read one byte from the I2C device, request more data from device
Return: byte read from I2C device
unsigned char i2c_readAck(void)
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWEA);
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
return TWDR;
}/* i2c_readAck */
Read one byte from the I2C device, read is followed by a stop condition
Return: byte read from I2C device
unsigned char i2c_readNak(void)
TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);
while(!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));
return TWDR;
}/* i2c_readNak */
//pin status
volatile uint8_t pcf8574_pinstatus[PCF8574_MAXDEVICES];
* initialize
void pcf8574_init() {
#if PCF8574_I2CINIT == 1
//init i2c
//reset the pin status
uint8_t i = 0;
for(i=0; i<PCF8574_MAXDEVICES; i++)
pcf8574_pinstatus[i] = 0;
* get output status
int8_t pcf8574_getoutput(uint8_t deviceid) {
int8_t data = -1;
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES)) {
data = pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid];
return data;
* get output pin status
int8_t pcf8574_getoutputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin) {
int8_t data = -1;
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES) &&
(pin >= 0 && pin < PCF8574_MAXPINS)) {
data = pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid];
data = (data >> pin) & 0b00000001;
return data;
* set output pins
int8_t pcf8574_setoutput(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t data) {
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES)) {
pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid] = data;
i2c_start(((PCF8574_ADDRBASE+deviceid)<<1) | I2C_WRITE);
return 0;
return -1;
* set output pins, replace actual status of a device from pinstart for pinlength with data
int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpins(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pinstart, uint8_t pinlength,
int8_t data) {
//actual data is 0b01101110
//want to change ---
//pinstart 4
//data 101 (pinlength 3)
//result 0b01110110
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES) &&
(pinstart - pinlength + 1 >= 0
&& pinstart - pinlength + 1 >= 0 && pinstart < PCF8574_MAXPINS
&& pinstart > 0 && pinlength > 0)) {
uint8_t b = 0;
b = pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid];
uint8_t mask = ((1 << pinlength) - 1) << (pinstart - pinlength + 1);
data <<= (pinstart - pinlength + 1);
data &= mask;
b &= ~(mask);
b |= data;
pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid] = b;
//update device
i2c_start(((PCF8574_ADDRBASE+deviceid)<<1) | I2C_WRITE);
return 0;
return -1;
* set output pin
int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin, uint8_t data) {
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES) &&
(pin >= 0 && pin < PCF8574_MAXPINS)) {
uint8_t b = 0;
b = pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid];
b = (data != 0) ? (b | (1 << pin)) : (b & ~(1 << pin));
pcf8574_pinstatus[deviceid] = b;
//update device
i2c_start(((PCF8574_ADDRBASE+deviceid)<<1) | I2C_WRITE);
return 0;
return -1;
* set output pin high
int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpinhigh(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin) {
return pcf8574_setoutputpin(deviceid, pin, 1);
* set output pin low
int8_t pcf8574_setoutputpinlow(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin) {
return pcf8574_setoutputpin(deviceid, pin, 0);
* get input data
int8_t pcf8574_getinput(uint8_t deviceid) {
int8_t data = -1;
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES)) {
i2c_start(((PCF8574_ADDRBASE+deviceid)<<1) | I2C_READ);
data = ~i2c_readNak();
return data;
* get input pin (up or low)
int8_t pcf8574_getinputpin(uint8_t deviceid, uint8_t pin) {
int8_t data = -1;
if((deviceid >= 0 && deviceid < PCF8574_MAXDEVICES)
&& (pin >= 0 && pin < PCF8574_MAXPINS)) {
data = pcf8574_getinput(deviceid);
if(data != -1) {
data = (data >> pin) & 0b00000001;
return data;
static void toggle_e(void);
** local functions
delay loop for small accurate delays: 16-bit counter, 4 cycles/loop
static inline void _delayFourCycles(unsigned int __count)
if ( __count == 0 )
__asm__ __volatile__( "rjmp 1f\n 1:" ); // 2 cycles
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"1: sbiw %0,1" "\n\t"
"brne 1b" // 4 cycles/loop
: "=w" (__count)
: "0" (__count)
delay for a minimum of microseconds
the number of loops is calculated at compile-time from MCU clock frequency
#define delay(us) _delayFourCycles( ( ( 1*(F_CPU/4000) )*us)/1000 )
/* toggle Enable Pin to initiate write */
static void toggle_e(void)
pcf8574_setoutputpinhigh(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutputpinlow(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
Low-level function to write byte to LCD controller
Input: data byte to write to LCD
rs 1: write data
0: write instruction
Returns: none
static void lcd_write(uint8_t data,uint8_t rs)
if (rs) /* write data (RS=1, RW=0) */
dataport |= _BV(LCD_RS_PIN);
else /* write instruction (RS=0, RW=0) */
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_RS_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_RW_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
/* output high nibble first */
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA3_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA2_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
if(data & 0x80) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA3_PIN);
if(data & 0x40) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA2_PIN);
if(data & 0x20) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN);
if(data & 0x10) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
/* output low nibble */
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA3_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA2_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN);
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
if(data & 0x08) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA3_PIN);
if(data & 0x04) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA2_PIN);
if(data & 0x02) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN);
if(data & 0x01) dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
/* all data pins high (inactive) */
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN);
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA2_PIN);
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA3_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
Low-level function to read byte from LCD controller
Input: rs 1: read data
0: read busy flag / address counter
Returns: byte read from LCD controller
static uint8_t lcd_read(uint8_t rs)
uint8_t data;
if (rs) /* write data (RS=1, RW=0) */
dataport |= _BV(LCD_RS_PIN);
else /* write instruction (RS=0, RW=0) */
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_RS_PIN);
dataport |= _BV(LCD_RW_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
pcf8574_setoutputpinhigh(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
/* read high nibble first */
data = pcf8574_getoutputpin(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_DATA0_PIN) << 4;
pcf8574_setoutputpinlow(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
lcd_e_delay(); /* Enable 500ns low */
pcf8574_setoutputpinhigh(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
/* read low nibble */
data |= pcf8574_getoutputpin(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_DATA0_PIN) &0x0F;
pcf8574_setoutputpinlow(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, LCD_E_PIN);
return data;
loops while lcd is busy, returns address counter
static uint8_t lcd_waitbusy(void)
register uint8_t c;
/* wait until busy flag is cleared */
while ( (c=lcd_read(0)) & (1<<LCD_BUSY)) {}
/* the address counter is updated 4us after the busy flag is cleared */
/* now read the address counter */
return (lcd_read(0)); // return address counter
}/* lcd_waitbusy */
Move cursor to the start of next line or to the first line if the cursor
is already on the last line.
static inline void lcd_newline(uint8_t pos)
register uint8_t addressCounter;
#if LCD_LINES==1
addressCounter = 0;
#if LCD_LINES==2
if ( pos < (LCD_START_LINE2) )
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE2;
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE1;
#if LCD_LINES==4
if ( pos < LCD_START_LINE3 )
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE2;
else if ( (pos >= LCD_START_LINE2) && (pos < LCD_START_LINE4) )
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE3;
else if ( (pos >= LCD_START_LINE3) && (pos < LCD_START_LINE2) )
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE4;
addressCounter = LCD_START_LINE1;
}/* lcd_newline */
Send LCD controller instruction command
Input: instruction to send to LCD controller, see HD44780 data sheet
Returns: none
void lcd_command(uint8_t cmd)
Send data byte to LCD controller
Input: data to send to LCD controller, see HD44780 data sheet
Returns: none
void lcd_data(uint8_t data)
Set cursor to specified position
Input: x horizontal position (0: left most position)
y vertical position (0: first line)
Returns: none
void lcd_gotoxy(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
#if LCD_LINES==1
#if LCD_LINES==2
if ( y==0 )
#if LCD_LINES==4
if ( y==0 )
else if ( y==1)
else if ( y==2)
else /* y==3 */
}/* lcd_gotoxy */
int lcd_getxy(void)
return lcd_waitbusy();
Clear display and set cursor to home position
void lcd_clrscr(void)
Set illumination pin
void lcd_led(uint8_t onoff)
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_LED_PIN);
dataport |= _BV(LCD_LED_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
Set cursor to home position
void lcd_home(void)
Display character at current cursor position
Input: character to be displayed
Returns: none
void lcd_putc(char c)
uint8_t pos;
pos = lcd_waitbusy(); // read busy-flag and address counter
if (c=='\n')
#if LCD_LINES==1
#elif LCD_LINES==2
}else if ( pos == LCD_START_LINE2+LCD_DISP_LENGTH ){
#elif LCD_LINES==4
}else if ( pos == LCD_START_LINE2+LCD_DISP_LENGTH ) {
}else if ( pos == LCD_START_LINE3+LCD_DISP_LENGTH ) {
}else if ( pos == LCD_START_LINE4+LCD_DISP_LENGTH ) {
lcd_write(c, 1);
}/* lcd_putc */
Display string without auto linefeed
Input: string to be displayed
Returns: none
void lcd_puts(const char *s)
/* print string on lcd (no auto linefeed) */
register char c;
while ( (c = *s++) ) {
}/* lcd_puts */
Display string from program memory without auto linefeed
Input: string from program memory be be displayed
Returns: none
void lcd_puts_p(const char *progmem_s)
/* print string from program memory on lcd (no auto linefeed) */
register char c;
while ( (c = pgm_read_byte(progmem_s++)) ) {
}/* lcd_puts_p */
Initialize display and select type of cursor
Input: dispAttr LCD_DISP_OFF display off
LCD_DISP_ON display on, cursor off
LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR display on, cursor on
LCD_DISP_CURSOR_BLINK display on, cursor on flashing
Returns: none
void lcd_init(uint8_t dispAttr)
#if LCD_PCF8574_INIT == 1
//init pcf8574
dataport = 0;
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
delay(16000); /* wait 16ms or more after power-on */
/* initial write to lcd is 8bit */
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA1_PIN); // _BV(LCD_FUNCTION)>>4;
dataport |= _BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN); // _BV(LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT)>>4;
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
delay(4992); /* delay, busy flag can't be checked here */
/* repeat last command */
delay(64); /* delay, busy flag can't be checked here */
/* repeat last command a third time */
delay(64); /* delay, busy flag can't be checked here */
/* now configure for 4bit mode */
dataport &= ~_BV(LCD_DATA0_PIN);
pcf8574_setoutput(LCD_PCF8574_DEVICEID, dataport);
delay(64); /* some displays need this additional delay */
/* from now the LCD only accepts 4 bit I/O, we can use lcd_command() */
lcd_command(LCD_FUNCTION_DEFAULT); /* function set: display lines */
lcd_command(LCD_DISP_OFF); /* display off */
lcd_clrscr(); /* display clear */
lcd_command(LCD_MODE_DEFAULT); /* set entry mode */
lcd_command(dispAttr); /* display/cursor control */
}/* lcd_init */
23.03.2020 (dokończyć)
09-lip-2024 19:45:51 CEST
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